PLANTING CALENDAR for Zone 8b - Clark County WAAccording to USDA zoning, Vancouver and the greater Clark County area of Washington State is labeled Zone 8b. (Average lowest winter temperature of 10-15 degrees.)
The USDA lists our average frost free date as March 15. This date is the source of great debate, since many Vancouver gardeners know the chances of a frost in our area before Mid May is uncomfortably high. The NCDC (National Climatic Data Center) shows a 50% chance of frost before April 20th for the Vancouver area. As a general rule of thumb at Chapman's, we recommend protecting your plants from frost if planted at any time before Mother's Day; which is typically around the first week in May. Our first expected fall frost date for the greater Vancouver area is Oct 20th. This date is important for calculating planting dates for fall crops in the Pacific Northwest. We will update this page as the 2015 season progresses to keep you informed on what vegetables and plants may be planted outside that will withstand current temperatures without protection. Click on the links for plant information and planting instructions, and be sure to check back often to get the most from your season! |
Week of AUG 5th, 2012
Recommended Varieties for PNW Gardens:
OSU recommends the following Spinach Varieties for Oregon/SW Wash falls:
Helpful Links
For additional information on Fall/Winter Gardening in the Pacific Northwest, and specifically the Greater Vancouver/Portland areas, check out the following links: